Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toby's First Day of Preschool

Toby started preschool today. He was supposed to start yesterday, but our plans were squashed when we pulled up to the high school (his preschool is inside the high school as part of the child development lab) and all the students were evacuated to the football field and there were policemen and police dogs all over! Turns out there was a bomb threat. It was a little crushing since he had been pretty excited. We went to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel instead. James had the day off of work since it was Columbus Day.

Today, Toby got his second chance to start preschool. He wasn't as excited to go this morning, I think mainly because he was fearful that "the bomb might still be in the school!". Like most things with Toby, preschool will take a little getting used to. The drop off was a little hard. But, he was all smiles when I picked him up. He goes four mornings a week, for just a little over two hours each morning.

Until later,



sues2u2 said...

No, no. He really isn't that old yet. I mean the Princess & Thomas were just in that boat. Never mind that they're in 3rd grade. (Toby looks adorable, btw)

Okay & I'm a little homesick for Md now. *g*

Edwin and Rebecca said...

I recognize that house:) Toby is a cutie!