Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Monday, August 3, 2009

Taunus Wunderland

July 11, 2009

We went to Taunus Wunderland with our friends the W family. In Germany, amusement parks are a little different. This park was kind of amusement park/county fair/I've never seen anything like it...except that I had seen something similar when I went with Thomas to Lochmülle in May. They did have some "real" rides, they also had rides that had no operator (that is odd), you just load your kids up and then go press a green button. The safety standards are also quite relaxed. I found it interesting that you could take a 18 month old toddler on a ride where in the States they would probably have to be 8 or 9--just hold on tight! I also found it quite interesting that the bumper cars didn't have an operator so your kid could ride as long as he or she wanted and you just had to wait for said kid to get bored (consequently Thomas didn't get to drive the bumper cars!). It was an interesting day, but we all ended up having a fun time!

Until later,



Edwin and Rebecca said...

Fun fun fun....I love amusement parks. That is crazy that you push a button to go. I would like the "relaxness" of it all. Sometimes I think the states are so uptight with good reason b/c someone is going to sue.

It's so beautiful and green :)

sues2u2 said...

What a fun day it looks like you've all had. Even Toby is smiling (kinda)!

Ana said...

My boys would so love an amusement park like that! Or at least, Wyatt would. Oscar hasn't yet been on anything like this. I'd love that I didn't have to fork over four bucks for one ride...