Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010...a 50/50 Year

I have pics and commentary to post later, but since I posted it on Facebook but I know not all my "readers" are on Facebook....we have exactly 6 months left in this crazy German adventure. We're leaving Germany on July 1, 2010. We are flying straight to UT (and to the "Snow" side of the family, yes that means we'll be joining you in Newport but be forewarned we will be dealing with major amounts of jet lag!) but will be back in MD about a month later. It's weird to say but I feel some sort of relief now that we have hit that milestone. I know six months will go by fast. And, I'm not really wishing the 6 months away either. We have had a lot of wonderful experiences and made some great memories while living here that I am thankful for. We have events to look forward to over the next 6 months and life to live. But I am sure looking forward to living in the US again, and I will not lie or feel bad about that.

Until later,



Mom said...

We will so glad to have you all back over here too. Not just the miles or the time difference but all the other things we over here just think as normal. Hug the boys and we will talk tomorrow. Love Always Mom