Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Announcing...Snow 3.0

● I am due Aug 20th. However, since I had Toby prematurely, I have a 50% chance of having this one early too. I am trying to focus on the fact that I had Thomas on his due date. But, if I can have this baby sometime in the month of August--I will be thrilled!

● This is another IVF baby. Technically, it's a FET baby. Which means Frozen Embryo Transfer. We had this embryo from January 2006 when we were trying to have Toby (the cycle failed). A FET cycle was SOOOO much easier and less stressful than a fresh IVF cycle! I actually started seeing a doctor only one week after we returned to MD, but I had to go through all the preliminary testing again since it had been a while, and that took some time. Two of my tests had little "bumps in the road" so I had to have further testing. I finally got the "green light" in November. Five weeks later, I was pregnant! Easiest fertility treatment I've ever experienced!

● I also saw an acupuncturist weekly for the five weeks that I was undergoing the fertility treatment--to "compliment" the procedure. I love acupuncture! It is amazing!

● I have been supporting this pregnancy with daily progesterone and estrogen shots every third day. Today, at officially 12 weeks along, I get to stop! Yay!

● I have been really, really sick and extremely tired. Morning sickness hit me a week and a half earlier than it did the first two times, I was not amused.

● It's only one baby--I've already had four ultrasounds! There wasn't much of a risk anyhow, we only put one embryo in...but I was sweating it for a few days, especially when I got sick sooner than I had expected!

● I had threatened miscarriages (subchorionic hemmorhages) with both Thomas and Toby before the stage that I'm at this time around. Every day I am a little less worried, which isn't saying much. I'm on pins and needles, which is why I waited to announce this a little later.

● We hope to find out the gender of the baby. We'll probably find out in the next 4-6 weeks. I am planning on a boy until I hear otherwise. The kids want a sister. We shall see...

Until later,



sues2u2 said...

Congratulations!!! I am so excited for all of you. Boo, morning sickness although I did have a dr tell me that really strong morning sickness equaled a really healthy pregnancy.

What a beautiful ultrasound image. This little one is adorable!

Edwin and Rebecca said...

So so so so so so so so so so so so so so HAPPY for you!!!!

Mom said...

You already know how excited we are. Not all Grandparents knows that the embryo has implanted and we have a baby on the way. It was so exciting in December to hear those words. We only want a big healthy baby. Blue or Pink who cares.

Alison said...

Congratulations again. It is still exciting to me. I am so Happy for you and love that it happened so quickly. I am so excited to see if it is a boy or girl.