Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Carving 2009

Tonight, we carved pumpkins. As in five days before Halloween we carved pumpkins and James is quite certain that they will all rot before that night! Nevertheless, I stuck to my guns and we carved them tonight! After all, he is working late tomorrow night and Wednesday night is the night before our house guests arrive so I nixed that suggestion. I also didn't like the idea of carving them while they were here, although I know they would have gone for it, but to tell you the truth I feared that we'd have too much going on Thursday and Friday night and the pumpkins wouldn't end up getting carved at all.

So these were some rather fond memories of our night tonight:

James: "Why did you have to buy four pumpkins?" "Couldn't you just buy one and call it 'good'?"

Thomas: Thomas whined for about 6-7 minutes about how slimy his hands were and he wanted to go wash them. I was adamant that he was not going to go in and out of the bathroom every minute just for the sake of having clean hands. Eventually he got used to it, and did a good job at cleaning out his pumpkin.

Toby: I cleaned out a lot of Toby's pumpkin ahead of time. He didn't quite get the concept of cleaning out pumpkins so he took the "I will spoon some of those seeds in that big bowl, back IN my pumpkin" approach. At least this year, he wasn't trying to eat the pumpkin "guts".

Emily: I ended up getting the tough pumpkin. James carved faces into his and the boys' pumpkins before I could finish mine. Mine was literally like carving a gourd! My arms will be sore tomorrow from my carving--and it didn't even turn out that great!

Until later,



Mom said...

Emily, I read that sprinkling cinnamon on the lid will stop the bacteria and they will not spoil. Also it said they smell even better when you lite them. Worth a try. Hug the boys and hope you are feeling better. Love Always Mom

Shannon said...

So I was reading this post and got to the part about how you have guests coming on Thursday and I was like, "Wow. I wonder who their guests are." And then I was like, uh, duh! She means you! Needless to say, it hasn't really sunk in that this trip is finally happening. We are so excited. Can't wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

Classic James comment!!! :)