Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bad day, Good day. . .

Yesterday, after sending James out the door, I managed to get showered and dressed, get the boys fed and dressed and I was ready to do something with my day by 8:30. Please understand that this is VERY GOOD for me!

So, I thought it was time to tackle the answering machine. We still do not have the fancy phones that are supposed to come from the phone company which we have already paid for. . . so we bought a phone last week and a basic answering machine last weekend. The wiring is a bit different and I spent about an hour and a half trying to get it to work, only to give up. I think I need some sort of an adaptor. Then, I went on to mow the lawn. We have an electric mower, which James' work gave us. However, the extension cord would not work. After buying a new extension cord, I thought we were good to go. No. No. No! We could plug in the mower into the new extension cord, but there was still no power. I could not figure it out to save my life and once again had to give up. Two hours later, I had accomplished nothing. No answering service, and I still had a very overgrown backyard.

The day improved when I received a phone call from Hans and Helga. They are the cutest German couple that work with our relocation company and help fix up our rental properties. I had a list of odds and ends that needed to be worked on. They also brought my little rugs for my stairs going to the bedrooms. What a difference they make! I also had them replace the blinds in the two upstairs bathrooms. The landlord actually put it in the lease that he didn't want the old, dingy, dirty, bent ones provided, removed. I figured if we replaced them with the same style it shouldn't matter. I didn't ask, I just did it!

Probably some time next week, Hans and Helga will return and spend the day at my home hanging curtains. I put the order into JCPenney and I hope that everything will work out. Helga is going to have to shorten some of the curtains that I bought but she didn't seem to think it was a big deal.

While Hans and Helga were finishing up, I ended up with the neighbor boy in my backyard--he knew exactly how to start up my lawn mower and showed me how (it was a no brainer after he showed my once) but then he insisted on mowing it for me.

Until later,



Anonymous said...

okay, really Hans and Helga? That is too cute!!