Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, February 6, 2009

100th Day of School

Today was Thomas' 100th day of school.  The Pre-primary, Primary and Grade 1 had a little presentation/assembly this morning and then they did fun activities in the afternoon all involving the number 100 (flying 100 paper airplanes, popping and eating 100 kernels of popcorn etc.)

Until later,



Ana said...

I've heard about schools doing stuff like this, and I'm a little curious why - just to showcase how big the number 100 is?

Emily Snow said...


I don't think there is a deep-reason for it, other than gives them something to look forward to and they worked hard learning to count to 100, also counting by tens and then they did a lot of "math" to help them understand just exactly what 100 was and all the numbers underneath 100. They learned a lot about numbers in a fun way.

The Mendon Welkers said...

How fun! Hannah's school did a big 100th celebration too. They didn't do an assembly but they made the 100 hats and had to take 100 "somethings" from home. She ended up taking 100 paper squares I had in my scrapbooking stuff.