Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thomas has been out-of-school for the past two days for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Today, James and I went to his. It was a 30-minute appointment where we discovered that Thomas is very quiet and eager to please in class. We both laughed and then told his teacher that he is very loud at home. It was also the perfect time to speak to her about Jackson. She was kind of surprised because she says Jackson isn't that kind of a kid, but maybe because Thomas is so quiet he might be testing some boundaries. She got all fired up and said she would be "right on it" and that she "doesn't tolerate" such things.

Thomas has also presented some blood sugar problems when he comes home. As in, many times, as soon as he hops in the car, he is screaming, crying and hungry. As soon as we get home, I feed him a snack and he is fine about 20 minutes later. Miss Natalie sat there saying she can't even imagine Thomas acting in such a way (I was glad to hear that he hasn't had the same meltdowns in school), but said that there is an easy solution to this and now that she knows there is a problem she can help out. She said there is another child in his class that she found out through these conferences that has the same kind of thing going on. Well, the kids have a snack every morning. She said to pack Thomas two, and she'll let the class have the "option" of finishing their snacks at the end of the day when they are quietly sitting on the rug having story time but she won't really give Thomas the "option". Sounds good to me.

Until later,



jlk said...

What a great teacher! I can believe Thomas' behavior is different at school -- so is Mini-me's. At least they are well behaved at school and not the other way around!

Alison said...

She sounds like she is way on top of it for the kids! It is always good to hear that your kid is better than they are at home. Now if they were as well behaved at home.

Sarah said...

I Love parent teacher conferences. I get so much more information from the teacher than I can pry out of Ian. It sounds like he has a really good teacher, so willing to help! Not at all what I am used to:)I shouldnt be so quick to complain, he has a good teacher this year.

Anonymous said...

She does sound like a really good teacher. My teacher parent conference wasn't that great--but its a long story so I'll leave it at that. Gives me hope to hear about teachers who actually work with parents.