Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thomas' 6th Birthday!

Today, Thomas turned six. It's so hard to believe! We started our day about a half-hour earlier than usual so that he could open all of his birthday gifts. He got lots of Legos, a new Nintendo DS game, puzzles, a book, a new water thermos, new clothes, new snow boots, puzzles, games, markers and a new bike! Yes, he got spoiled. Even when we "try" not to spoil him, the end result is pretty much the same!

At his school, he shared his birthday with another classmate, named Calvin. Thomas turned out to be the "older" of the two since he was born in the early morning and Calvin was born in the evening. I got to send cupcakes to school, REAL cupcakes, not store-bought pre-wrapped treats! It also happened to be the day of the first school assembly that Thomas would participate in. Although, this one was a pretty casual, low-key one. The "big" one is in December. I didn't know about this first assembly until a week before and had already committed to something that I then had to get out of. I was glad I did, though, because Thomas kept looking back the entire time to see if I was watching. They also recognized all the kids that had had birthdays in August, September and October.

When I came to pick up Thomas from school later on in the day, he was beaming. He was wearing a special birthday hat with bright feathers all over it and I could just tell that his teacher must have made both Thomas and Calvin feel very special all day long.

When we got home, his friends C & J came over and asked him to go to the park. Which eventually lead to C coming over to our house to play. James surprised us all by coming home early (5 PM) and I was so glad! Even though I was trying to keep the evening really casual, I was still rushing around like crazy and I was glad to have him there to help, which he did, a lot! We had pizza for dinner and then had C & J's family over along with another family for cupcakes & ice cream. I surprised Thomas and everyone with trick candles this year! They stayed until almost 11 PM. It was a great birthday.

Until later,


(Here are more pictures!)

His class just finished their Unit of Inquiry about water. During the assembly, they were pretending to be in boats and swinging on the ropes to get past the alligators in the water.

This is when they were recognizing the kids that had had birthdays over the past three months.

The cute blonde (adult) girl is his teacher, Natalie. (Which, if you are wondering, yes they do go by their first names!)


Anonymous said...

What a fun birthday blog!! I can't believe he is 6. Megan just turned 13!! Our kids grow up fast...unless they are being bad..then they take forever!
love ya tons

sues2u2 said...

Oh, so cute! Happy Birthday, Thomas! Looks like his teacher/school is great.

jlk said...

Happy Birthday to Thomas! It sounds like he had a fabulous day. And what a great schoool!

Felicity said...

Happy Birthday Thomas. You are such a Big Kid!

Alison said...

Happy Birthday Thomas!! CUTE! They grow up too fast.

Anonymous said...

It was really great we all got to wish and of course the singing of Happy Birthday while watching Thomas. Technology is Great! It is so special to the kids to have their parent is the audience. You are a SPECIAL MOM and so lucky you can do it. Hug the boys. Take care. Love Always Mom

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the pictures of Thomas at school. What a fun birthday!

Aaron said...

HI! what cute pictures! I can't believe Thomas is that old, what a cutie!
I love your family picture too, great background color, it makes everyone stand out!
I'm so excited for you to go to london! what a great opportunity, and short plane ride, which is always a good thing!
love you,