Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Monday, September 17, 2007

A First...

So, this morning, at about 10:45 there was a ring at my door. I opened the door to a dark-haired woman dressed in robes, every other tooth capped in gold, big gold hoop earrings and she was holding a plastic sack. She started speaking to me in a foreign language, but that's not uncommon these days. She handed me a card that was in German. I had no idea who she was, what she wanted or what she was selling. Luckily, my friend, Ute, who works for the relocation service that works for us (Koenig Relocation Services)had dropped by to give me a replacement to the broken knob on my oven. Ute stepped right in, started yelling at her and started shutting the door. The woman started pleading, "Please, oh please" and Ute kept shutting the door. Initially I thought Ute was being rather rude, but I let her do her thing because I was clueless.

Once the door was closed, Ute informed me that I had just had my first encounter with a Romanian beggar! She was pleading for money! She asked for 10 euro then 5 euro then change. And Ute said more than likely she (the beggar)had parked her Mercedes around the corner! Ute told me it is completely illegal and we could call the police and that if the woman were to hang out in the neighborhood for long, Ute was sure the police would be called by someone. She told me that she never answers the door when she sees someone like this. Sometimes they can get violent even though this woman did not. Lesson learned.

Until later,



Anonymous said...

wow! beggars! guess they are everywhere!!
Sarah (Jeanine's 13 year old) went deer hunting with her Dad last night-- Scott got a deer, Sara got a 10 ft rattler with 11 rattles. She is hard or hearing and there must have been angels there that let her hear a rattle. She froze and Scott shot the snake. NO, she is not cured of hunting. She is my sports loving granddaughter (the other one is my future actress). Thank the good lord for his blessings.
Sounds like you are having some great adventures. Thank you for sharing them. Love ya Gert

Emily Snow said...

Gert--thank goodness she is all right! Wow, scary!

Anonymous said...

Didn't I tell you about the Gypsies? I didn't know people like that come house to house. I am so glad Ute was there. I guess the that the reason you have a window nexted to the door. You will now look before you ever anwser the door. Also watch to make sure they are nowhere around when Thomas goes out to play. Do they go door to door? Or is it known you are new, because things look more cared for, new vehicle? Did you ask Ute. I told you that my old saying about if "you weren't good that I was going sale you to the Gypsies" came a little to close for comfort. Be careful, give the boys kiss from me. Love Always Mom

Anonymous said...

Read your Blog to your sister. She reminded me that I used to say the Gypsies wouldn't take you kids, they would give you back. Kate said we are going to Al's Sporting Store and getting you some pepper spray for you to keep by the door. Love Always Mom 5:55 on Monday

Emily Snow said...

They just go door-to-door, knocking the neighborhoods.

I'll have to figure out a way to have pepper spray by the door but away from Thomas...

Anonymous said...

I was worried you were going to say that is how the Missionaries dress out there!! hee hee. Thank goodness Ute was there for you. What a scary time after you figured things out!

Anonymous said...

Gypsies were everywhere you went in Italy. We always had to be careful. I guess you will be checking you door before opening it up again. Thank heaven your friend was there to step in. Guess you should learn some German, couldn't help.