Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, May 16, 2008

Playing Hostess

Besides having my Visiting Teachers over and two very low-key play dates, I haven't had people over to my house. Then, last week, I had the brunch. On Monday, I decided to invite one of the families that were moving (they actually flew out yesterday) over for dessert, on Tuesday I had the other family that is moving next Monday over for dinner. Then, yesterday, I invited three other girls and their families over for a more formal play date during the day. So, in one week, I had four little events at my house! It was fun, but I'm kind of exhausted! I'm done entertaining until we come back to Germany at the end of the summer!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Way to go! :) I feel like I've been a recluse for awhile....