Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Observing September 11th

September 11th is always a somber day for me, as I think it is for many of us. I can't believe seven years have gone by already. A lot of it is blurry to me, but some of it will stick with me forever. I am forever grateful that James wasn't hurt. If the evil terrorists plans would have all gone the way they wanted, that might not have been the case. (Because of where he worked.) I also have a good friend whose brother worked at one of the World Trade buildings and (if my memory is serving me correctly) his train was running late so he wasn't at work when he normally would have been.

I will spend this day like all other September 11ths after...I will stay home. James always asks me to and I get it. (However, he has gone to work and Thomas is in school...so no one get too worried). There are other days to be in crowded, public areas but today I'll lay low and do some things around my house (like mop the floor and a few loads of laundry) and this afternoon, I'll turn the TV on and watch some of those familiar images and shed a few tears. But, I'm OK with that.

Until later,



Anonymous said...

If I live to be 100, I hope we never have another day like September 11.
It joins the memories of Pearl Harbor day when I was a "tween" and graduation day when most of the senior boys were away in Korea. And then most recently, when Jim and Mom were called away. Things we just can't seem to understand. Time does heal but it does not forget.
Thankfully, there have been many, many days in between to remember the good things.
Have a safe and prayerful day. Love, Gert
We have to pray that the GOOD will always be more plentiful than the BAD

Alison said...

Wow, I didn't think about James being there. That is crazy. I had just been home from the hospital with Jes for a day. I saw it live hit the 2nd tower. Yeah, it is unreal. I hope you feel good after getting all that stuff done:)

Anonymous said...

I remember Grandma Kay called and told me to turn on the T.V. and we were trying to figure out what happened when we saw the second plane hit the second tower. Also all phone lines to your area were overloaded. I remember that day well. We can only pray that we never experience anything like that day again. Hug the boys and take care. Love Always Mom

Anonymous said...

I just sat there quiet and still not knowing what was going on as images came across the tv. I headed for the school and pulled Megs out. I think every single mother was there to do the same thing. It was a day that time stood still. I won't forget that feeling. It was hard when we went to New York and walked by ground zero. R was telling us stories and I just had that same frozen time feeling again. It just didn't seem real but it felt very real at the same time. Today is overcast...very fitting for the mood we may be having as we reflect back. The girls all wore Red, White and Blue today!!
I miss you and I am so glad that James wasn't there. It is weird to think that I didn't know you then. It seems like just yesterday..but really 7 years?
miss you

Rebeccah said...

I was watching the Memorial today and was pleased to hear the local military base sound chimes at the minute of each tragedy. I am grateful we have not forgotten and am grateful for our strength as a nation. I do feel so sad not only for those we have lost but for those that have forgotten. Thank you for remembering my brother as well. I'm glad we were there for James to come over that morning.

Anonymous said...

It is sad time when so many Americans have forgotten what happened 7 years ago. But that is what those who want to destroy our country are counting on. Thanks for remembering.

mandy said...

it is hard to believe that it has been seven years. Time goes by way to fast.