It's already the New Year here in Germany. We were very low-key this year. James and Thomas played the Wii all night long while I worked on updating my blog on both of our laptops (I got my own--a MacBook about a month ago). Toby pretty much went to bed at a normal time. I didn't get it all done, but I got a lot done. At midnight, we went out, met our American neighbors outside and watched the neighborhood fireworks, which went for about 45 minutes. Once again, Toby slept through the whole thing! I had his fan turned up higher than normal and a sound machine on, but still there were bottle rockets going off over our house! I should add that I have been listening to a German radio station all night that was playing quite a mix of "New Year's Eve" songs, I'm not sure if they know the difference between Halloween and New Year's? It was entertaining all the same! Happy 2009! I'm going to bed!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy 2009!
It's already the New Year here in Germany. We were very low-key this year. James and Thomas played the Wii all night long while I worked on updating my blog on both of our laptops (I got my own--a MacBook about a month ago). Toby pretty much went to bed at a normal time. I didn't get it all done, but I got a lot done. At midnight, we went out, met our American neighbors outside and watched the neighborhood fireworks, which went for about 45 minutes. Once again, Toby slept through the whole thing! I had his fan turned up higher than normal and a sound machine on, but still there were bottle rockets going off over our house! I should add that I have been listening to a German radio station all night that was playing quite a mix of "New Year's Eve" songs, I'm not sure if they know the difference between Halloween and New Year's? It was entertaining all the same! Happy 2009! I'm going to bed!
Posted by Emily Snow at 7:05 PM 1 comments
Fields of Gold
Posted by Emily Snow at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Take Notice!
I've added the best quote I've ever seen in my life to the right. I got it from my friend MW's blog. I just loved it! Think about it. It's sooo true!
Posted by Emily Snow at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Holed Up
James and I got hit with something yesterday. We are both still quite sick. Sore throats, headaches, body aches (the worst aches and pains in my feet and calves that I can ever remember), coughs and stuffed up heads. I also had a fever of 102* but that seems to have passed. Thomas was complaining of a tooth ache on Christmas Day which I think was actually a molar coming up, but he seems to be OK now. We have even caught a glimpse of our little "Mischief Man" aka Toby over the past couple days. Toby has been sick for so long that we kind of forgot what a little devil he can be! Yesterday, he was full-force, but today he seems to have relapsed a little. Thomas has been happy to play and play and play the Wii. Toby has been sleeping a lot, just like Mommy. I just can't seem to get enough sleep! In fact, the past two days, I have bathed and then just put on clean pajamas. I'm not even going to mess with "comfy clothes", I'm going straight for pajamas right now! James has been relaxing, and actually got to set up one of his war games. That's the nice thing about having a ginormous table like ours, you can set up a project on half of it, and still feed a family of four on the other side! I can't remember the last time he played a war game. I thought for sure that today James would go out, at least go to the commissary. But, I was wrong. That's when I know he really is sick because he's not the type to stay in...he gets too antsy. The boys and I will go early Monday morning! Thank goodness for shelf milk!
Posted by Emily Snow at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas 2008 Pics
Posted by Emily Snow at 5:03 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas 2008
On Christmas Eve, I told Thomas that we were not going downstairs to open presents until 7 AM. He came into our room (a very regular occurance) at 5:30 AM, I told him to go back to sleep because it wasn't 7 AM yet and he complied, but before he did, he said, "Mom, I think I heard Santa downstairs as I was walking from my room to your room!"
Posted by Emily Snow at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas to All!
The children and husband are snug in their beds while mom is still busy, busy, busy--but I'm going to "call it a day" soon!
Posted by Emily Snow at 5:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Coughing Stereo!
Toby and Thomas both have coughs. Last night, it was like they were in stereo. Toby is a mess, he's coughing, snot is pouring out of his nose and his eyes are irritated. Thomas is only battling the cough but he definitely coughs more often and his coughs are more severe. Which means Toby takes the purple Triaminic strips and Thomas takes the red! When is it going to end? I already know the answer...March.
Posted by Emily Snow at 3:00 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
We're "Tired"
Posted by Emily Snow at 4:10 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter Break Here We Come!
Tomorrow is Thomas' last day of school in 2008. He is getting excited for Christmas, even though there are no gifts under the tree. I have to get wrapping! But, I'm still not going to put them under the tree until December 24th. I finally got around to hanging the stockings tonight. This year it would not be wise nor safe to hang them "by the chimney with care" due to our Toby. Which also explains why less than half of our Christmas tree is decorated this year. He is quite the kid, have I mentioned that before? I think maybe I have... Back to the stocking holders could possibly kill him if he tugged on a stocking and one of the holders came tumbling down. So they are on some of my wall shelves instead. I decided to keep the Christmas decorating to a minimum this year. With the kids being sick, and me getting sick, I have honestly only felt like I am getting back in my game just this week and even with that, I am barely breathing! There are no Christmas cards, not even a Christmas picture. I was even thinking of not making Christmas sugar cookies but both James and Thomas hit me up on that one, separately, I guess I'll do cookies this weekend! But definitely not a quadruple batch as I have been known to make...probably only a double batch! Oh, and "Sweet Stuff" with green and red M&M's but that is super-easy. I am looking forward to not having to drive Thomas to and from school for the next two weeks. The days are really short here in Germany right now and it is still quite dark when we leave at 8:25 AM (dark enough that you need them to see, not just to be seen) and when I leave the house at 2:55 PM to pick him up, the headlights have to go on because it is already dusk. Not that that has much to do with why I am glad to have a break from driving Thomas to and from school, but I thought I would mention how short the days and long the nights are here. Hard to believe that in another six months I will be complaining about how it gets light before 6 AM and not dark until almost 10 PM!
Posted by Emily Snow at 5:14 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I Yawnt to Ea Fwies!
Today, after I dropped Thomas off at school, Toby and I continued on with my morning errands. I actually made pretty good progress and was on my way home at about 11:15 AM when it occurred to me that I had one little gift to buy at the PX and I really should just go pick it up. So, I made a right turn instead of staying straight and made my way through security. As I was pulling into the parking lot, Toby starts yelling "Ea, Ea" (Eat!), because there is a food court next to the PX and he's no dummy. I started to tell him, "No, we're not going to eat, we're going into the PX for 10 minutes and then we're going home and we'll eat lunch there." He persisted, "Ea, Ea!" and I said, "No" once more. Then he got all quiet, I thought maybe he got it through his head, when all of the sudden I heard, "I Yawnt to Ea Fwies!, I YAWNT to Ea FWIES!" Well, with a full sentence like that, I figured the little guy deserved some fries. So, I got him a small order to go at Burger King and we went shopping at the PX!
Posted by Emily Snow at 3:50 PM 5 comments
Still No Car
It's been three weeks and two days since my beloved Rondo left our home. She sits in a muddy parking lot awaiting parts from the States. They were thought to be arriving about a week ago. But that wasn't the case. James called today, there is no way of tracking the parts and all that can be done is to wait some more. That and continue to drive the piece-of-crap Dodge Neon that smells like smoke, has a "check engine" light on and has a big vinyl logo of the autoparts place that is fixing our car. Yeah, I feel so stylish in it!
Posted by Emily Snow at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thomas' Primary Class Christmas Party (school)
Over here in Germany, it is still called a "Christmas Party" and no one thinks anything of it! The parents were invited, but most of us realized that really meant the mom's...all but one poor dad who quickly exited. The kids decorated an ornament, ate goodies, played "SANTA" (bingo) and exchanged small gifts. Then the mom's gave the teachers and the aides their Christmas baskets.
Posted by Emily Snow at 1:45 PM 1 comments