Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Birthday Pictures

I thought I did so great tonight in that I remembered to get out the camera and take a couple of pictures, one with Thomas and the cake and one of a close-up of the cake. Then I realized that his cake has his real name on it. So, I cropped away at both pictures and this is what we have left, but I think you still get the idea!

Well, blog-friends, this birthday boy's mom is totally and completely wiped out. The house is a disaster but it will all wait until tomorrow!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Good job for a very tired Mom to caught the things that should not be seen by all. Hope you all had a good day even through it was cold. I am not a fan of cold weather anything under 65 degrees is cold weather to me. Happy Birthday Bug and Hugs to my Bug and Scooter boy. Hope the package from Kurt and Kate got there if not Thomas will have more to open later. Take care Love Always Mom Wednesday 5:45 p.m.

Life in Maryland said...

I cannot believe how much he looks like you every time I see a picture. Happy Birthday Thomas! Congratulations!

jlk said...

Wait -- that's not his real name! All this time...

Glad it was a good one. Birthdays are great, but they're better when they're over.

I went to Chipotle last night and missed you.

Angie said...

I can't believe that he is five years old....time just flies. Hey thanks for writing on my blog---have you have Schneeballen there in Germany? That's what I'm thinking about bringing tomorrow for the international party...Miss you guys.....