Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, October 5, 2007

Two Cats Are Better Than One...

As Toby is settling down for his morning nap, I thought I'd sit down and post. He is turning out to be more and more like Thomas in that Thomas was just about nine months old when he settled into two structured naps rather than cat-napping all day long. Consequently, James and I are hoping that he will not adopt his brother's attitude towards eating in three more months (it's the last thing on Thomas' mind).

Oh, about the two cats: we have a new cat, her name is Gypsy the German cat. Which I think is the "purr-fect" name! (I think I'm comical today). She is black and white and very pretty. To be honest, Gypsy is not really our cat. But only one of the neighborhood roaming cats. We have seen her many times in our back yard snooping around. I thought it might be interesting to set out some food for her and see what happened. Well, it turns out she rather appreciates the free meal (just so you know, I'm not surprised) and now feels comfortable enough to curl up on our patio, give herself a bath, and take a nap. It adds interest to mine and Thomas' morning and also gives Tailer (our real cat) something to fret about and puff up and pretend that she's tough. Which, sadly, adds even more interest to our morning!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Love reading your blogs every day even though I don't make comments.
Love to all, Grandma S.

Anonymous said...

I know why this never became part of your lifes in M.D. Your main living area was not on ground level or you would have had guests over all the time. Remember I knew you where you feed 48 cats out by the log pile. My pied piper of cats. I haven't seen the one eyed cat over here for several months, I did see her while I drove corn truck. Dad said he saw her yesterday. You were raise to feed all visitor (of course I mean the four legged kind) That doesn't mean your Creatures from back east. Everytime I see a stray going down the road I pray it doesn't stop or it will become one of the gang. You know that's where most of them have come from 8 dogs and of course Porter not counting Mother's family and Bunny. Just think how old our dogs are getting. Ben is 10 Rus is 12 and April is 12 or 13 we will have to start thinking of replacements. Don't wrong someone will drop one off someday. Hug the boys. Love Always Mom 9:35 a.m

Anonymous said...

You take after your mom, soon you will have a backyard full of wondering four legged creatures........ Let's only hope they are all cats... :)
Now that I'm home all the time I'm looking more at getting a companion of some kind, don't think it will be a cat as it will have to stay out side most the time.

Emily Snow said...

In MD, we had groundhogs that would hang out from time to time. This past summer we even had an oppossum. I didn't like the MD backyard guests.

jlk said...

I wouldn't like stray cats, either, but that's because I am cold hearted....

I saw your twin the other day. Wish it was you...

Emily Snow said...

I know--you could get a ferrett again! :)

You'll have to let me know what you end up with.