Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Monday, October 29, 2007

Daylight Savings Time

This Sunday morning, we switched over to Daylight Savings Time. I don't like how quickly it gets dark at night, but I do quite like the feeling of sleeping in! I usually feel this "sleeping in" for about a week.

James and I had to speak in church yesterday. It's kind of a "right of passage" when you move into a new ward (congregation). Our ward is so small that I guess we'll get the "opportunity" about every 10-12 months. We spent the entire day on Saturday preparing. I think we both did well and I'm glad it's over.

We are still trying to figure out how to work our radiant heating. It was set on "automatic" which ended up being entirely too hot. It was 77 degrees constantly with our windows open and fans going while people outside are wearing hats and coats! We do have the instruction manual attached to the side, but it is all in German. I've managed to get it off manual and turn it down to about 71 but the problem is that while our downstairs is now comfortable, our upstairs is about 10 degrees cooler. Some of my friends have controls for each individual room, but it doesn't appear that we do. I think we're going to have to buy space heaters for each room and call it good.

I came down with a strain of the flu last night. The aches and pains kind of flu. I got the flu nasal mist vaccine last week, and they warned me that I might come down with a mild flu. I ache all over, have a mild sore throat and am SOOO tired. I could crawl up in bed and sleep all day if only I didn't have two little ones to worry about. Actually, I could probably put Thomas in front of the TV all day if I had to, but Toby is another story all together! Needless to say, we still all in our pajamas this morning!

We are gearing up for Halloween. Toby's costume arrived on Friday. He's going to be a lion, I ordered his costume from Old Navy. He is absolutely adorable and of course, I'll post pictures later on in the week. I planned on ordering Thomas a costume off the internet also, but Thomas couldn't find anything that he liked except the "Thomas" costume that he wore last year. We agreed that he could wear it again this year. That was easy enough! I was crossing my fingers Friday night as we were unboxing Toby's costume that Thomas wouldn't all of the sudden want a new costume, because of course, it would be too late, but he was fine! We are going to carve our pumpkins on Tuesday night. We're going to go trick-or-treating in our neighborhood on Wednesday. I guess our town has had an"American" influence for so long that there are plenty of homes that give out candy.

Until later,



Life in Maryland said...

That's so weird that you had daylight savings already and we have been moved to having it next weekend. I'm sorry that you are sick. There must be something going around 'ha-ha', I also have a bad stomach flu that started last night - I lost 6 lbs. in one night :) Hope you are feeling better! Happy Halloween early!

Angie said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. Just no fun when you have others that you have to care for. Good reminder that I need to go in and get a flu shot though the side effects just really suck. Can't wait to see the boys in their costumes- so if there has been such an american influence do the German kids go trick or treating too or just the Americans? That really is quite interesting. Take care-always cking in.

Emily Snow said...

Ang-I think both German kids and American kids trick-or-treat since the German families also hand out candy.

RP-I think that's the only good thing about stomach flu--the weight loss that usually comes along with it. Wow, but you must have it bad--that's a lot for one night! Hope you're feeling better very soon!

Anonymous said...

I just ran over to the calendar wondering if I somehow missed our daylight savings! How on earth is it so different?
I am sorry you are sick. The whole aches and pains...weird isn't it? I swear against the flu shot or mist because of this very thing. You should see ms life in Maryland....she looks awesome. I don't think I can hang out anymore!! Well, I saw her before the flu thing!! love ya and Happy Halloween!!