Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Stitch is Not Always a Stitch...

On Friday, I arrived home, just as my neighbor across the street was getting ready to leave. She has two boys as well, hers being almost 5 and almost 3. I noticed that she was more dressed up than normal and I complimented her and how nice she looked. She then explained to me that she had taken the youngest boy to the doctor because "He has a few stitches" (she speaks great English but every once in a while it doesn't flow quite right). Of course, I was immediately concerned and asked if he was OK. She went on to say that she was worried because he had these "stitches" on his body and face and she had heard that there was someone in the neighborhood that has recently had the chicken pox so she took him in just to be sure. So she kept talking about the stitches and I was still kind of confused, wondering what stitches and the chicken pox had to do with one another, until she motioned that something was zooming in and hitting his face. Then it occurred to me; she was talking about bug bites! I then said, "Oh, he has bug bites?" then she says, "Yes, yes!" and had me come look at Artus. Toby also has a few bug bites on his body (but his are bright maraschino cherry red), two on his face and one on his hand, so I mentioned that to her. She said I could save my money for a trip to the doctor now. Thanks, Simone!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

I am sure glad it was only stitches(bug bites) You know here the new word would become stitches for bug bites. Your Dad has a habit of changing words pinger/twine, BB/rootbeer, so/horse and it goes on. Of course alot of those came from you! Your Dad hated to see you grow up and your words changed but he thought it so was cute, he has never forgot them. I just finished Skyping you and saw the one on Toby's cheek. Hope they don't last long, and what ever bug soon dies. Hug the boys Be careful Love Always Mom

Anonymous said...

"Stitches"!!! I have a German friend living across the street from me and she gets a "stitch" in her side, or back or hip (so does my friend from Newfoundland. Well their "stitches" are what I call pains or "catches" Guess it is all the same just as long as we get the "jist" of the idea.
Watch the bug bites and hopefully they will be short lived. Love your blog and the letters. Thanks for inviting me. Love ya Gert

Life in Maryland said...

Ah, the art translation - that's GREAT! I always wonder what we must sound to them :)

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to get it!!