Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Snapshot Sunday

Question: Will I like Krispie Kreme doughnuts as much as my big brother?

Answer: Only time will tell!

We found some Krispie Kreme hats today while unpacking one of the "kitchen" boxes. Thomas put it on Toby's head and he looked so cute wearing it, I had to take a picture!

Speaking of Toby, he cut his third tooth this past week. I know it might seem like I blog about his teeth a lot, but they really do effect my life. I have been up with him every night since Tuesday. And, I can now safely mention that James has been gone since last Sunday morning, traveling to Poland and then on to Russia, but he returned home last night (thanks to my wonderful Aunt Barbie for suggesting that I wasn't being too safe about blogging that James was gone--now those in "blogworld" will hear of James' travels only after his return). Not that me getting up with Toby at night would involve James anyway...he doesn't get up with the kids unless things get really, really, really bad. But, not getting a good nights' sleep for most of the time that he was away added to the long, hard week.

Unfortunately, I don't suspect that the sleeping or Toby's fussiness will improve much because tomorrow is check-up day which will most certainly involve numerous shots in his chunky thighs. I'll blog tomorrow and let you know how that goes and how much our tiny preemie weighs now!

Until later



Anonymous said...

With those cheeks one would think Toby has been eating donuts all along. Cute picture. Hug the boys. Take care and I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Always Mom 2:35 p.m. Sunday

Anonymous said...

Guess my traning and security briefings are still hanging in there. Old habits, but mentioned it to your mom because wanted you and the boys to be safe. And I agree with your mom, Toby does look as if he has sampled lots of Krispy Kremes...... Take care,

Anonymous said...

I miss you!!!
It is still hard to imagine that chunky monkey is the same itty bitty that was the size of a hand!!
love ya.....oh and now everyone here wants Krispy Kremes!!

Anonymous said...

too cute picture. It islunch time and the sight of the Krispy Kremes will not make my "watch your diet" lunch as tasty. Toby has grown so much. Hope the check-up goes well--not too many shots, and not very much after-effects. Need to call your grandma Kate to see how she is doing, but be safe and follow barbie's advise (and keep the doors locked and the blinds down after sundown). Take care --- Gert