Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, April 11, 2008

Toby's 15-month birthday!

Today, Toby turns 15-months. It was actually supposed to be marked with a second visit (and hopefully the LAST!) from EDIS (Early Development Intervention Services) at 1:00 this afternoon, but then the representative cancelled at 12:15! So, that is rescheduled for not next Tuesday, but the next!

Probably because of the initial visit, James and I have become more aware of his development...! He is saying a couple more words: a-dye (bye-bye), eh-wo (hello) and I want to think he is saying "mommy" (eh-mama), but I'm not sure yet!

He tries to dress himself, rather we have caught him throwing his socks on his feet and then looking at them like "hey, that's not what's supposed to happen" and then picking them up and throwing them again. He puts all kinds of clothing on top of his head.

Toby is still not walking. But, he is the master speed-crawler! Thomas walked at 15 months old. I am actually surprised that Toby is not walking, because it seems like he has done everything before Thomas, but I guess Thomas wins on this one! He scales the furniture and the walls like a pro and will walk holding your fingers, if you really coach him, and we've caught him standing for a split second all on his own, but as soon as he realizes he's not holding onto anything, he leans for the couch or whatever. So, it's coming...maybe it will be another month. For anyone that feels inclined to say "it's OK", please don't, because I don't actually like toddler walking and toddler independence...you can console me the day that I post he's started walking! Toby not walking quite yet is A-OK in my book!

Currently, the birthday boy is enjoying a nice, long nap. I am afraid he is on the brink of dropping the morning nap and going to one long nap. Which is a good thing and a bad thing, all wrapped into one, depending on how you look at it.

Until later,



sues2u2 said...

I'm in complete agreement about the walking thing! N started walking because we were new to the whole thing & just didn't know how stupid we were (besides we had that whole IEP thing going on because of his NICU stay.) H on the other hand was secretly being coached by her big brother! We were more than fine to let her crawl & "cruise" the furniture!

Happy Birthday, Toby! (& you have my condolences on that morning nap. Both good & bad things!)

Anonymous said...

Adorable Adorable Adorable!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

DanceNplay said...

They grow up fast!! MAN! Wise just turned 13 months a few days ago. He runs like a baby chimpanzee! haha. He's already throwing little fits if he doesn't get what he wants!! AND FINALLY~ he's just about weaned from breastfeeding!!! YAY!!! He probably does it once a day, if that! It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be! AND~ Prince is peeing in the toilet! HOoray! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers during this tough time! AND YOU'RE right, we will look back at this time and laugh! We were JUST discussing this with my dad on the phone tonight! I'll be writing on my blog regularly now! Thanks Emily!