Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Whole Lotta Laundry...

I was so excited today when I realized that I didn't have to go anywhere. Which meant I could stay home and do some much needed housework. My kitchen is clean, including mopped floors and the main level got a good vacuuming. I even got Toby's room a little bit organized (but I wouldn't say totally) But, most importantly, I got on top of my laundry, I must admit I've been drowning in it for about a month now...since we were all fortunate enough to get sick...

It's not like I haven't done any wash and folding for the entire month, but I was really behind. To give you an idea, I washed, folded and put away 10 loads of laundry today! Sadly, there is another load in the washer and dryer and yet another one to go in the washer in the morning. But I feel oddly triumphant!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's nice to have those days you don't have to go anywhere. It seem when my day is cut up in pieces I get very little done, compared to a day I have a good start in the morning and can keep going all day. Congratulation on your busy day. I bet you are sleeping well as I am writing you. It is 12:10 a.m. your time and 4:10 p.m. my time. Good Night sleepy teddy and you would say Night Night. Hug the boys and take care Love Always Mom

jlk said...

It's the "put away" part I struggle with...

Angie said...

Way to go! I hate falling behind too---most Recently I actually let J do the laundry these days because he kept complaining about how I did it so I told him to go ahead! I just threw in the towel! :) That's really the only "chore" that he does now for the household.....and well, I fold and put away and clean and....the list goes on so I figure that this works for us! Win Win right? Happy Day to you!