Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Egg-stra Special Day!

After patiently waiting half the day to dye our Easter eggs (since I forgot to boil the eggs last night, so I had to boil them this morning and then wait for them to cool down), Thomas got to do the thing that he has been so excited to do. Toby woke up at the very end and I know would have loved to get a "turn" too...but I knew better! Maybe next year...or the next!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Kate and I dyed eggs today too. Last year we did do them and it didn't seem right. So we did our two dozen today too. We will have deviled eggs on Sunday. I have had a egg hunt around here for a few years. I miss wondering where the Easter bunny hid the eggs this year. Hug the boys and take care Love Always Mom

jlk said...

Is it bad that I have no desire to dye eggs this year? I just really don't want to deal with the mess. Plus, if the grass is wet outside, then I can't hide them or risk dyed fingers on Easter morning. Mini-me did eggs at school this year (love the YMCA...), so I guess I don't need to right?

Alison said...

Oh, I need to do this...I guess maybe tomorrow or the next! It looks like fun! I sent Jes to the store to get some egg die with my dad and she came back with two boxes!

Becky, Matt And Colton said...

Cute, Cute pictures. Your little family is growing up so fast. I'm glad that you got to color Easter eggs. It looks like a lot of fun, Matt and I will probably color some, but not Colton, maybe next year or so. I'm glad you are all doing well.

Anonymous said...

I love to dye eggs with the girls! We did ours for FHE the other night.
love ya