Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Friend to Friend

A friend of mine, AS, passed on some great information last week when I posted about "Tylenol--the Miracle Drug". I thought I'd share it as well:

"Just a little tid bit that my Dr told me about teething and meds-- Tylenol is great for pain. It will relieve that but he told me recently that Ibuprofen or Motrin will relieve pain and relieve the swelling of the gums. It is more effective he told me."

Until later,



sues2u2 said...

I knew that Ibuprofen was anti inflammatory but I hadn't even thought to use it for teething! Oh, well. The things you learn when you are done. The other good thing is that it lasts longer than Tylenol too!