Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tylenol, the Miracle Drug

Last night, at about 3:30 AM, Toby woke up. I fixed him a bottle, he drank two ounces and seemed sleepy again. I put him back in his crib, but he had a hard time settling down. I'd hear him whine occasionally and I could hear him tossing and turning quite a bit. At about 5:30 AM, he started SCREAMING, and I ran to get him. I was hoping he was just thirsty again. I offered him another bottle and he wouldn't take it, I rubbed some Orajel on his gums and he calmed down for about five seconds. We live in a duplex, so I am oftentimes worried about whether they can hear us, especially Toby, especially at night...but tonight, I was worried that the whole neighborhood could hear him crying. This was hysterical crying. The thought entered my mind, "Well, here goes our turn to go to the emergency room..." James and I (by this time James is also up and trying to get Toby to stop crying) managed to get a dose of Tylenol in him. And, we watched the miracle of Tylenol take place...I don't know if Toby had a toothache, an earache, a headache or something else but by 6:30 AM he was relaxed and sleepy again. I took him to his crib and he still sleeps...

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Just a little tid bit that my Dr told me about teething and meds-- Tylenol is great for pain. It will relieve that but he told me recently that IBprophen or Motrin will relieve pain and relieve the swelling of the gums. It is more effective he told me (Colten is teething something fierce too....I feel so awful for the little guys)