Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, February 29, 2008

Early Mornings with Toby

For the past three mornings, Toby has decided to wake up at 6:00-6:15 and stay up! Not that he's been hard to take care of, I take him downstairs, shut the door to the living quarters and we hang out. (Trying to keep the noise level down for Daddy to get a few more minutes of sleep but more importantly, to keep Thomas snoozing away!) Which means he plays and I get my internet fix! However, I would much prefer to be sleeping...I prefer to sleep until 7:30 at least! But, not today...

Until later,



Alison said...

Emma has been doing this to me...I HATE IT. I don't like mornings and I don't have to get up till 7 to get Jes ready so I would rather not!!