Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh the Memories!

Are gone...

As in the memories captured on my memory stick for my new camera! Luckily, I only had a weeks worth of pictures but I took a lot on Saturday, and there were some good ones and then in a matter of a second, they were gone and the memory stick was all together broken. I bought a new one yesterday and the camera seems to be fine. I was glad that I was only replacing a 2 GB memory stick rather than, say a 10 GB memory stick, but since I've only had the camera and the memory stick since Christmas, I still don't feel that I got my $35 worth (for the stick). Now, I'm nervous that I bought a camera that ruins the memory sticks...only time will tell, I guess.

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Hopefully that will fix your problem with it. I am betting you will down load every time you take pictures now, not leaving them in the camera until you are ready to print them. At least next few times. Hug the boys and take care Love Always Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry-its so frustrating and annoying! :)

Anonymous said...

How did that happen?

Alison said...

It is a great fear of mine to lose my pictures..computer or camera.