Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Monday, February 4, 2008

We ALL Make Mistakes...

Last week, James and I both made pretty bad mistakes. The kind where you wish you could go back in time, change just a few minutes, and everything would be OK, kind of thing.

My mistake actually happened a couple of weeks ago, but came to head last Tuesday when I received a phone call from "Sheila at the Educational Development Intervention department" on the base. Apparently, the long survey that I had to fill out on Toby at his one-year well-baby visit got sent on to these guys. According to Sheila, after looking over Toby's survey, he appears to be "behind". I tried to explain to her that maybe if I was given more than five minutes to fill it out and had time to think about how I was answering, perhaps he wouldn't appear to be "behind". I also asked her if anyone bothered noting that he was born six weeks prematurely and that it might not be uncommon for him to miss the mark on those milestones just a bit... (the answer was no). The phone call lasted all of 7 or 8 minutes and my emotions went from shocked, to mad, to thinking, "well, if he is behind, I guess it will be better to catch it now", to "sure, come over, spend an afternoon with us, and he'll show you that he is NOT behind! I'm sure when it's all said and done, she is going to have to say that something is wrong with him. Fine, she can say that he should be talking by now. I know that lots of 1-year olds say a few words....I'm not worried about it though. Thomas was a slow talker, he was slow even at two, but by the time he was two and a half, he had caught up with his peers. Perhaps I would be worried if he was a "quiet" child, but he's not. He spends his days roaring and growling at the world...Toby is anything but quiet!

Naturally, since last Tuesday, James and I have been watching Toby like a hawk. But, we have concluded that he is just fine. He is curious, into everything, always on the go, "talkative" little boy who spends half of his playtime trying to do the things that Thomas does and then the other half playing on his own! It's pretty cute to watch him play ball by himself (which, of course, makes you drop what you're doing and play with him for a few minutes)! So, I think it all boils down to a big mistake on my part: not taking the survey seriously and not taking an adequate amount of time to fill it out. In my defense, I have filled things out like this for Thomas back in Maryland, always feeling like they were a waste of time, because then the doctor would ask you half the questions again verbally and never even glance at your survey. I should have asked to bring it back in a day or two or made other arrangements. Instead, Sheila is coming to visit us this Thursday at 1 PM! Believe me, I'll keep you posted! Oh, and any other surveys I have to fill out, I will certainly take seriously!

Onto James' big mistake. You know, James is a smart guy. He knows all kinds things about history, politics, finance, etc--things that I do not know a lot about...but every once in a while, I am reminded that James (bless his heart) does not have an abundant amount of "common sense". Unfortunately, I was reminded of this on Saturday morning when he came upstairs and said, "Emily, I think I have some really bad news" (you know that can never be good). He continued to tell me, that he had been downstairs, in the basement, plugging in our old desktop computer, that we haven't used since we moved here, to start working on our 2007 taxes (which should prove to be a HUGE pain in the neck this year!) and when he simply plugged it in, and it made this zzzzz-zap sound. I asked him if he checked to see if it was dual-voltage (yes) then I asked him if it had a switch on the back (yes), well, did you switch it? (no....) His reply was that everything else he has plugged in that was dual voltage didn't have the switch and at this point, I'm thinking, "but, yes, but this is our computer, the thing that has lots and lots of files and records that we may possibly need and certainly want someday, but you just went ahead and plugged it in without much thought at all, didn't you". So, the old computer is fried...James has bought a portable floppy drive something-another in attempt to retrieve the old files...particulary the old tax files. The only thing I had on there that I would consider at all "valuable" were digital pictures which I have a back-up CD for. Don't even get me started on the fact that James "isn't positive that I made copies "...

Until later,



jlk said...

If you were here, your doc wouldn't care that he didn't speak at 1 year, or even 15 months. My doc told me not to worry about Patch until he was close to 2. At 18 months, he has maybe 5 words. Most of which sound like "eeeee."

Husbands make worse mistakes than we do.

Anonymous said...

Emily someone who knows computes can/might be able to retrieve all your informations. When mine went last year Red did just that. I don't know where you will find the Geek Squad(they drive VW's that are black and white with a orange line across them around here) Maybe there is someone like that over there. Let me know how both things go. Hug the boys. Love Always Mom

sues2u2 said...

Wow! James did do a big one. I hope the portable drive works. The good news too, is that the military should have people available to help out with the taxes if he can retrieve the stuff. Good luck!

Nikolas had an IEP (individualized education plan) & Hanae does now. (The school here thinks she doesn't talk correctly.) Nik's though was caught by the Doc @ his 4 month evaluation. I would have thought that if your Doc was worried about him he would have said something. So don't sweat it too much. The other thing is that you are in the military system & they have had so much bad press that they really try to dot the "i's" & cross the "t's". It will all work out in the end. I'm sure of that. You are a very observant NOT first time parent. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Wow- I go into Colten's 9 mo on Friday so I'll take that form thing a bit more :)seriously ...
Generally speaking moms know their kids better then Dr's I believe...but I do know a couple where that doesn't apply. Good luck with that though I'm sure he's where he needs to be....I know some people who try to get their kid in the special programs when they're babies so that the kid can get first pick in the public school preschools here in MD. I'm sorry to hear about the computer thing....that just stinks.....

Anonymous said...

We fried our computer last year, Bill took it to the computer 'geeks' and they were able to retrieve our info. Good luck...........B

The Lee Family said...

To install a video go to the posting area during editing and click on the filmstrip it will take some time to download after it is downloaded be sure to hit the publish button or it will not up date