Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Sunday, February 3, 2008


It is the season of Fasching here in Germany, or it can be referred to as Karneval. It's very similar to Mardi Gras.

For history and a lot more detail, please visit:


Tomorrow, it is called Rosenmontag (Rose Monday). This is the craziest day of them all. I doubt that we will participate in much of this, but I have a bag of candy in my car because I've been warned that older kids/teenagers like to play street games where they won't let you pass unless you give them candy.

We've actually been warned to stay away from the utter craziness of Fasching even though one of the huge celebrations will be going on not too far from us in Mainz.

To see what I'm talking about, visit: http://www.mardigraschicago.com/Mainztrip.htm

However, yesterday, we drove there and celebrated the "Kinderfasching" which was the celebration for kids. They had food, carnival rides and a huge parade with 4,000 children participating. Throughout the parade, the participants would shout "Helau" to the crowd, and we would shout "Helau" back to them. Adults and children were dressed up, some in elaborate costumes, others in crazy hats and scarves and then boring people like us. Next year, we will be dressing up! It was a lot of fun. That statement just doesn't do it justice. Both our kids seemed to enjoy themselves, we were there for almost four hours! And, I will say this: yesterday was the most fun I've had in Germany! I actually enjoyed it more than the Christmas markets!

I am posting a few pictures. Unfortunately, my new camera is/was having some problems yesterday, so I got a lot of "file errors" and am not able to retrieve a lot of my pictures from yesterday. I have reformatted my memory stick, and hopefully that will do the trick.

Until later,



Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and it all sounds like so much fun! Thanks for sharing them...

sues2u2 said...

Looks & sounds like you guys had a blast! I bet alot of the older "haus fraus" loved your kids. Blond & adorable! We never did do "Fasching" We lived in the country. Hum, I'm starting to see a slight pattern here. Oh well. Enjoy, you guys look great.

Anonymous said...

It does look like you all were having fun. I went to the web sight and found your costumes for you and James. You can be Contessa Venezia cost 19.90 euro and James could be a Sulton at 39.90 euro or Azteke King at 24.90 euro. It was a interesting to see all the different ways people were done up. Enjoy the Germany Holiday. Hug the boys and take care. Love Always Mom

DanceNplay said...

that looks like alot of fun! Your boys always look so perfectly groomed!lol