Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away...

It is raining yet again. No wonder it already looks like Spring-- if you only focus on the ground (the trees are still bare). The fields are already green and growing. But, the sky continues day in and day out to be gray and it rains and rains. It is really sad when it's not even 1 PM yet and you have every overhead light and lamp on in your house and it's still not light enough! I asked James why it is people stay here? It must be because they know nothing else or because their family is here because it is sucking the life out of me... We have met many Americans who came here long ago and have now lived here longer than they ever lived in the US. I don't get it. That will NOT be us! However, I am anxiously awaiting Spring in Germany which I hear is beautiful and last year, April was the hottest month of the year. Granted, I will then be complaining about the heat and the lack of air conditioning. Luckily, I bought a used AC unit from a couple in our ward that are moving back to the States in June. And, we hope to find another used one or we may have to buy a brand new one. I think if we have one on each floor that we use, along with lots of fans, we will be OK. Well, and this year, me and the kids will be spending about two months in the States, so I really shouldn't worry too much.

Until later,



Anonymous said...

We did not have snow today but they are calling for more on Wednesday night. I have over a foot everywhere and three foot piles around where it is piled. We haven't had this much snow since you guys were little. Wish Thomas was closer we have a huge snow hill in the pasture. I to am ready for spring. Not hot, we will drowned. We are supposed to get a few good days this weekend. I told Kate a while back we should find you a sun/mood lamp because without the sun people get down. Have Thomas draw you the sun and put it in your window maybe it will help. Hug the boys. Take care. Love Always Mom

Anonymous said...

Today the rain here kind of matches my mood so its not too bad....however I agree...can't wait for spring...

sues2u2 said...

I'm with you too. I would like to have it get warm. Oh, my sister in Hyrum says that she has 6 ft snow drifts because of the wind they had earlier.

Yes, the summers in Germany are quite nice. We never had ac but we were on the 2nd & 3rd floors of our bldg. It can get humid but Md was worse!