Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, February 29, 2008

Toby's First Haircut!



The evidence

I gave Toby his first haircut today. I can't believe he's 13 months old and just getting his first haircut--Thomas had had at least half a dozen haircuts by the time he was 13 months old! But, Thomas has straight hair and was born with a mullet--a mullet that just kept returning so I couldn't help myself! Toby has curly hair. Not super curly, but there are definite curls at least for now. Today, those curls were tamed a little. Mainly, I cleaned up around his ears and neckline, by cutting off about an inch and a half, and evened up the top because the very front of his hair has been slower to grow in. In typical baby style, he didn't much like having to sit still and really, really wanted to touch my sharp shears. So, I got exactly three minutes to do what I could!


Jeannie said...

Great pictures. I love that he is smiling and happy before the haircut, and after.... well I don't know if he liked it so much.
Great job on the haircut Mom.
First haircuts are so hard, at least it was for me.

Are you still cutting hair?

Emily Snow said...

I was cutting hair out of my home until I had Toby. I had planned on taking about six months "off" and then doing it again but a lot less...maybe one day a week, six hours, instead of three, four hour days...but then, we got the Germany news and I didn't start up again.

I don't plan on doing hair while I am here. I haven't told many people at all. I think I've told four people--all that immediately ask me to do their hair but I'm just not interested at this time in my life. I feel like I'm beginning that part of life where you are in your car a lot and Toby is a handful and the house doesn't have the right set-up, either. It's just not the right time right now.

Yes, his first haircut pulled on my heart strings a little. It seems like they look so much more grown up every time they get one--don't you think? Although, he didn't look all that different to me when he was done. Probably because I having been smoothing down those curls so you couldn't really tell that it was that long most of the time.

Alison said...

Yeah, those first Haircuts are Not so fun... It really looked like more was cut off than he had!!

Leslie said...

I like the face he is making in the first pic.
First haircuts are funny sometimes. It makes me feel like they are growing up too quickly.
I have found the more kids I have that I dont enjoy the juggle so I can cut very many other people's hair. Maybe when the kids get a bit older that will change. - Leslie

sues2u2 said...

Toby looks adorable! I think it is VERY funny that he is all "happy" baby & then is NOT!

Very sweet. Yes, now he is getting to be more grown up. We just can't stop it although there are times when I really wish we could.

Anonymous said...

He is a typical male you must of taken to long to cut his hair by the look on Toby's face. I kept a lock of each kids of your first hair cuts it's in your books. Hug the boys. Take care Mom

Anonymous said...

He is so cute & getting so big! Looks like a Kewpie doll!