Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Friday, November 9, 2007

First Snow!

We got our first snow today. It wasn't even in the weather forcast. I was driving home from grocery shopping this afternoon at about 4:30 PM as it was almost dark and raining hard when the hard rain turned to slush and then to snow all within two minutes. I don't know if it will stick around tomorrow or not. Thomas wanted to go out and play in it but I was a mean mom and told him it was too dark outside and I have no idea where his snow clothes are (truth be told I'm not sure they will fit--when I do find them).

The other excitement of our evening is that we have no water. At first, I was worried that my tampering with the heat downstairs might have blown up something but then my friend that lives around the corner called to see if we had water. After some more phone calls, we have found out that at least half the town is out. I am very interested to see how fast this will be fixed. Hopefully, we'll have water by tomorrow morning. We have enough bottled and gallon water to get us through for quite a while, but we certainly can't bathe or shower in it!

I'll keep you posted on our water situation!

Until later,


UPDATE: Our water came back on tonight!


Anonymous said...

Would like me to go to Cal Ranch and get Thomas some snow boots? I do think his coverall will still fit. If not let me know if you want some bibs or what. Glad your water is back on. Hug the boys Take care Love Always Mom

jlk said...

Yea for snow! We had our first snow here this morning. Well, flurries. Does that count?

And, we've had no water, too! But, that was because we forgot to pay the bill...

Anonymous said...

JLK beat me to the report!! We had some little flurries. If you looked outside you may have thought your eyes were getting old....but it was flakes!! pretty dang on cold here.
love ya