Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Neighborhood Gossip

I figured out this afternoon that the neighbors are gossiping about my backyard. News travels fast about what I have out there...and how I add to it every morning. It's all good, though! Actually, I'm talking about my feline neighbors because now, four cats are better than one! That's right, I've added another cat!

Thomas was outside playing this afternoon when I heard him tapping at the back door. I went to the back door to see what he needed when he showed me the kitty. Because Thomas was no more then two feet away, I knew she was tame. I went out, scooped her up and she was, indeed, very friendly. She reminds me of my mom's Porter and my friend, mlk's Sam. (She's kind of tabby with white paws). Except that she is a petite tiny thing and is a girl. The name that immediately came to me as I scooped her up is Sabrina. So, now we have Tailer, Gypsy, Jasmine and Sabrina.

One thing is for sure, I'm going out tomorrow to buy cheaper cat food for those outdoor cats. I can't feed four cats Iams!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

I knew that the old feelings you have had all your life about cats were going to become talk of the neighborhood. "Hey guys there is a Lady over there, let her pet you or act like someday she could and she will feed you" If James only knew that if you could you would have a herd of cats and be quite happy with that. I remember you looking in the baby name book for names because we couldn't think of any more. Just remember they are only foster cats. Hug the boys. Love Always Mom