Every day life and occasional adventures of Emily Snow and Family

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How Many Home Teachers Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

This past month, James has been given a new family in our ward to Home Teach. The husband in this family just voluntarily deployed for four months, he left 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Tonight, I received an email from the wife, who had my email address but not James'. In the email, she stated that she thought of something she could use help with: she has about five light bulbs that need to be replaced. Apparently, their light bulbs burn out frequently like ours do. So, she wanted to know if James and his HT companion could come over soon and do that because, as she stated, "I'm not very good at that sort of thing."

Only problem is, neither is James! In our old house, he changed a few of the high ones if the ladder happened to be out at the time, if not, I would stand on a bar stool and risk a fall and all of others I would change. For all the light bulbs that have gone out in this house, he has replaced zero of them! He also wouldn't have the slightest idea where to purchase the light bulbs... We both kind of laughed about this and then he did it--he passed the buck--"Emily, can you just go over there and change them for her?"

I'm now waiting to hear back from her to find out when would be a good time this week to do her handyman work!

So, in confirming what we all already know--behind every good man is a great woman!

Until later,



Anonymous said...

Some women grow up thinking a man or someone will take care of them, I couldn't stand being like that. I was raised with out He job and She jobs. I don't think your Dad has change lights in here more than a dozen times, He does change the ones in the garage. We just don't have the patients to wait for someone when you can do it and be done in 5 minutes. Hug the boys and Take care. Love Always Mom

sues2u2 said...

Obviously that woman has not learned the cardinal Military Spouse RULE. Always do it yourself! Heck, when I was 5 1/2 months pregnant with Hanae I was putting up the Christmas lights on the trees & the house! Gene didn't even take them down. Good luck being the general "handywoman". Way to go though, Emily. Your hubby isn't even military & you know the rule.

Alison said...

I believe we are all just some head strong, do it ourselves kind of women. I love it! I think it is GREAT. Mitch and I get in arguments about who is going to do the jobs like putting things together, painting a room, etc. Other times when I wish he would do it-he doesn't, then I just get mad!